Wi Kumalo, the beloved South African musician and actress, tragically passed away at the age of 51 on Tuesday following a short illness. Her untimely death has left the entertainment industry, her fans, and her family in mourning. As the news broke, her close friend and media personality, SA, was one of the first people to hear of her passing, receiving an emotional call from Kumalo’s daughter, Rabil Kumalo, who urgently asked him to come to her mother’s house as Winnie Kumalo was unresponsive. Despite rushing to the scene, Tito arrived too late, learning of her death in the most devastating manner.

“She was my friend, and now I’ve lost her,” Tito tearfully shared in a statement to the press, visibly shaken by the sudden loss. He recalled speaking with Wi just a day earlier, on January 6th, 2024, and though he knew she wasn’t feeling well, he could never have imagined the situation would end so tragically. Kumalo’s death has hit hard, not just because of her personal friendship with those who knew her but also because of the impact she made as a celebrated public figure.

In recent years, Kumalo had battled a series of health challenges. In November 2024, she was briefly hospitalized after experiencing shortness of breath, which was later diagnosed as asthma. This was a shock to the artist, as she had not known she suffered from the condition. “I didn’t know I had asthma until I experienced shortness of breath. I was so confused,” she admitted in interviews at the time. T

he doctors reassured her that the condition was manageable, though it was still in its early stages. This health scare was not Kumalo’s first encounter with adversity. A few years earlier, she had been diagnosed with diabetes, but she had been successfully managing the condition. “I take care of myself and make sure I eat well,” she had shared in a past interview, reflecting her commitment to staying healthy despite her struggles.

Legendary singer Winnie Khumalo dead at 51 | Life

However, her battles with health issues didn’t stop there. In 2017, Kumalo underwent back surgery, followed by a prolonged period of recovery during which she had to rely on a wheelchair for several weeks. Despite these physical setbacks, she remained resilient, determined to overcome each challenge. “I am a fighter. Everyone knows many of my peers have passed on, but I want to see my grandchildren grow old. So, I pray for long life,” she said in an interview, demonstrating the strength that defined her approach to life.

Wi Kumalo’s journey in the music industry began when she was just a teenager. She was introduced to music by the legendary Brenda Fassie, who took Kumalo under her wing as a backing singer. This pivotal moment set the stage for Kumalo’s long and fruitful career. At just 15 years old, she released her debut album, Haa China China, produced by the talented C. Chotala. She followed this up with Damini, another album released in the 1980s. By the 1990s, Kumalo had ventured into gospel music, releasing Oami, an album produced by Pastor Langa Du, which further showcased her versatility as an artist.

Perhaps one of the most defining moments of Kumalo’s early career was her role as a backing vocalist for the iconic Brenda Fassie. Their collaboration marked a significant period in South Africa’s music history, with both artists making waves in the local entertainment scene. In addition to her work with Fassie, Kumalo collaborated with several other notable South African artists and bands, such as Pure Magic, S Brothers of Peace, Bongo Maffin, and DJ Cleo. These partnerships solidified her status as one of the most sought-after talents in the music industry.

Winnie Khumalo passing took me by surprise – Chicco

Beyond her music career, Kumalo also enjoyed a successful acting career. She appeared in small roles in popular South African television series, including Mango and Ping, where she portrayed a Sangoma (traditional healer). Kumalo also showcased her acting skills in the theatrical production The Journey, captivating audiences with her powerful performance. Her versatility as both a singer and actress made her a well-rounded and respected figure in the entertainment industry.

After taking a brief hiatus from music, Kumalo made a successful return in 2008 with the release of I Just Want to Live My Life, an album produced by Kalawa Jazmee and Oscar. This marked a more mature phase in Kumalo’s musical career, with the title track gaining significant attention. The accompanying music video received multiple nominations at prestigious award ceremonies, including Best Dance Video and Best Afro Pop Video at the Channel O Music Awards. The song was also shortlisted for Record of the Year at the South African Music Awards (SAMA).

In addition to her achievements in music and acting, Kumalo was also recognized for her contributions to society. She participated in the Shoprite Checkers Women of the Year competition and was selected for the Muso Online African Magic Arts, solidifying her place as an influential figure in South African entertainment.

Wi Kumalo’s legacy will live on through her daughter, Rabil Kumalo, who has followed in her mother’s footsteps to establish her own successful career in music. Despite facing setbacks, such as being told she was too young to participate in the 2011 and 2012 Idols SA auditions, Rabil persevered and went on to achieve success in her own right. In a moment of concern for her daughter, Wi Kumalo spoke publicly in August 2024 about a troubling incident in which Rabil was hospitalized after a poisoning incident. Thankfully, Rabil recovered from the ordeal, showing the resilience that runs in the family.

Winnie Khumalo Biography - Dies Aged 51 Years, Personal Life

Wi Kumalo’s life was marked by perseverance, strength, and a relentless pursuit of success. Despite her many health challenges, she continued to make her mark on the South African music scene. Her influence on the entertainment world, both as a musician and actress, will continue to inspire generations to come. Her dedication to her family and her fans, along with her passion for her craft, has left an indelible mark on the music industry.

Wi Kumalo’s passing is a great loss to the South African entertainment world, but her spirit, music, and contributions will live on. She will be remembered not only for her remarkable career but also for her unwavering strength and love for her family. May her soul rest in perfect peace.